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Community District Needs Statement - FY21 - Bronx Community District 9 - Content

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    • image Statements of Community District Needs and Community Board BudgetRequ Fiscal Year 2021 image 11ÂĄ1: Published by: PLANNING February 2020 ,•'',' Bronx Community District 9 INTRODUCTION The annual Statements of Community District Needs (CD Needs Statements) and Community Board Budget Requests (Budget Requests) are Charter mandates that form an integral part of the City's budget process. Together, they are intended to support communities in their ongoing consultations with city agencies, elected officials and other key stakeholders and influence more informed decision making on a broad range of local planning and budget priorities. This report also provides a valuable public resource for neighborhood planning and research purposes, and may be used by a variety of audiences seeking information about New York City's diverse communities. HOW TO USE THIS REPORT This report represents the Statement of Community District Needs and Community Board Budget Requests for Fiscal Year (FY) 2021. This report contains the formatted but otherwise unedited content provided by the community board, collected through an online form available to community boards from August to November, 2019. Community boards may provide substantive supplemental information together with their Statements and Budget Requests. This supporting material can be accessed by clicking on the links provided in the document or by copying and pasting them into a web browser, such as Chrome, Safari or Firefox. If you have questions about this report or suggestions for changes please contact: C This report is broadly structured as follows: Overarching Community District Needs Sections 1 – 4 provide an overview of the community district and the top three pressing issues affecting this district overall as identified by the community board. Any narrative provided by the board supporting their selection of their top three pressing issues is included. Policy Area-Specific District Needs Section 5 is organized by seven distinct policy areas aligned with the service and program areas of city agencies. For each policy area, community boards selected the most important issue for their districts and could provide a supporting narrative. The policy area section also includes any agency-specific needs and a list of relevant budget requests submitted by the community board. If the community board submitted additional information outside of a specific policy area, it may be found in Section 6. Community Board Budget Requests The final section includes the two types of budget requests submitted to the City for the FY21 budget cycle; one list for capital and another for expense budget requests. For each budget request, community boards were able to provide a priority number, explanation, location, and supporters. OMB remains the definitive source on budget requests submitted to city agencies. D isclaimer This report represents the Statements of Community District Needs and Community Board Budget Requests of this Community District for Fiscal Year 2021. This report contains the formatted but otherwise unedited content provided by the community board. Budget Requests: Listed for informational purposes only. OMB remains the definitive source on budget requests and budget request responses. Budget Priorities: Priority numbers apply to expense and capital Budget requests from all policy areas. A complete list of expense and capital budget requests by this Board sorted by priority can be found in Section 7 of this document. Supporting Materials: Some community boards provided substantive supplemental information. This supportive material can be accessed by clicking on the links provided in the document or by copying and pasting the links provided in the Appendix into a browser. TABLE OF CONTENTS Community Board Information image Community District Profile and Land Use Map image Overview of Community District image Top Three Pressing Issues Overall image image image Summary of Community District Needs and Budget Requests Health Care and Human Services image image Youth, Education and Child Welfare Public Safety and Emergency Services image image image Core Infrastructure, City Services and Resiliency Housing, Economic Development and Land Use Transportation Parks, Cultural and Other Community Facilities image Other Budget Requests image Summary of Prioritized Budget Requests image
      1. COMMUNITY BOARD INFORMATION Bronx Community Board 9 image Address: 1967 Turnbull Ave Phone: (718) 823-3034 Email: Website: Chair: Brandon Ganaishlal District Manager: William Rivera image
      3. OVERVIEW OF COMMUNITY DISTRICT In devising its annual District Needs Statement, Bronx Community Board 9, has taken an opportunity to articulate its FY2019 capital and expense funding requests on the basis of concrete and objective data. The process of devising this statement has included meetings with local service chiefs, qualitative surveying of community stakeholders, and a desk-study of mayoral agency reporting on future initiatives impacting the district. Our goal is to highlight--with the highest degree of accuracy--areas for near-term funding that might assuage pressing municipal service needs vocalized by our constituency. Bronx Community Board 9 encompasses neighborhoods south of East Tremont Avenue, from the Bronx River on the west, to Westchester Creek on the east, and a shoreline along the East River to the southern-most edge of the peninsula, serving Bronx River, Castle Hill, Clason Point, Parkchester, Park Stratton, Soundview, Bruckner, Unionport, & Zerega. In total the district covers 4.1 square miles in which 184, 729 people reside. Inland, the community consists of a range of residential building types and commercial uses. Single-family detached and 1-2 family row houses are common throughout the district (1 in 5 of all lots). Clustered within a southwest pocket are 9 large NYC Public Housing Authority complexes. The neighborhood to the north of the Bruckner Expressway consists of a mixture of housing types ranging from single family detached homes to a 129 acre Parkchester community built in 1941. Near the waterfront one will find mostly framed and masonry homes built prior to 1960. It, too, has evolved to include a mixture of low rise, single-family units and patches of publicly financed towers. The district’s major streets running north and south are: White Plains Road, Bronx River, Rosedale, Soundview, Castle Hill and Zerega avenues. Major avenues cutting east and west include: Randall, Lafayette, Story and East Tremont avenues. The district’s highways consist of: the Bronx River Parkway, the Bruckner Expressway, and the Cross Bronx Expressway.
      4. TOP THREE PRESSING ISSUES OVERALL Bronx Community Board 9 image The three most pressing issues facing this Community Board are: Affordable housing Contact Board Office. Crime Contact Board Office . Land use trends (zoning, development, neighborhood preservation, etc.) Contact Board Office. image
      5. SUMMARY OF COMMUNITY DISTRICT NEEDS AND BUDGET REQUESTS HEALTH CARE AND HUMAN SERVICES Bronx Community Board 9 image M ost Important Issue Related to Health Care and Human Services Mental health and substance abuse treatment and prevention programs The Board will like to see an increase in resources and prevention in this area. image image C ommunity District Needs Related to Health Care and Human Services Needs for Health Care and Facilities Tracking 109201604E - Request Funding for Social Services Programs for Seniors Needs for Older NYs tracking 109199202E - Funding for Home Care Services Needs for Homeless We need general services for the Homeless in our district. Needs for Low Income NYs Additionally, after school programs are an important service to the youth of Community District 9 as roughly 1 in 3 families live below the federal poverty level. These are families that given a lack of discretionary income find it arduous to supply private enrichment activities for their children. Given this demographic reality, Community Board 9 reiterates the Bronx Borough Board’s support for Mayor DeBlasio's FY2016 Budget Priorities which includes providing universal afterschool programs to all NYC’s public middle school students, and summer programming for public afterschool programs. We are currently re-evaluating and updating our needs and budget request. In addition to what the Board is submitting now ,a more comprehensive report will be submitted next fiscal year that will be better formatted for this new process. image Capital Requests Related to Health Care and Human Services The Community Board did not submit any Budget Requests in this category. Expense Requests Related to Health Care and Human Services Priority Agency Request Explanation Location 3/36 HHC Provide a new or The Jacobi Hospital ER Fast Track unit must be a expanded health 24 hour facility. T care facility 29/36 DOHMH Other animal and We need to see who we can get more resources pest control for Raccoon control for residents. requests 32/36 DOHMH Increase health We have seen the Health Inspectors system to inspections, e.g. for be a revenue based system. Focused more on restaurants questionable enforcement rather then prevention and education. Which benefits the all parties including the public. 35/36 DFTA Enhance home care Fund Home Care Services. There aren't sufficient services home care services for Community District 9's increasing elderly population. Funds are requested to provide for additional home care services. 37/36 DFTA Increase home Provide Meals-on-Wheels Services. Funding is delivered meals needed for Meals-on-Wheels services; there are capacity not enough services for the elderly population in Community District 9. 42/36 DFTA Increase Provide Funding for a Handicap Vehicle for transportation Transporting Seniors. Our seniors continue to services capacity support this request. The seniors have serious concerns about "pickup and drop off" and "delays in service." It was their opinion that presently there may not be enough vehicles to serve the needs of this aging population. 44/36 DFTA Enhance NORC programs and health services Seniors Request the Funding of Social Service Programs. Our seniors, during our public hearing, were very concerned over their quality of life, their limited income and essential services that they require. Therefore, they recommend the funding of social service programs, which would address their needs, to be sponsored at NYCHA sites. Also, seniors recommended sponsoring of more 2O2 Senior Citizen Housing to be built within the border of community board District 9. image YOUTH, EDUCATION AND CHILD WELFARE Bronx Community Board 9 image M ost Important Issue Related to Youth, Education and Child Welfare Juvenile justice and services for young offenders The Board will like to see an increase in services we need to combat this issue and expand youth programs. In addition, expand the use of the closed schools we have after hours. image image C ommunity District Needs Related to Youth, Education and Child Welfare Needs for Youth Education Tracking 109199005C, 109199902C, 109198703C, 109199003C, 109199603C, 109198804C, We are currently re- evaluating and updating our needs and budget request. In addition to what the Board is submitting now ,a more comprehensive report will be submitted next fiscal year that will be better formatted for this new process. Needs for Youth and Child Welfare Additionally, after school programs are an important service to the youth of Community District 9 as roughly 1 in 3 families live below the federal poverty level. These are families that given a lack of discretionary income find it arduous to supply private enrichment activities for their children. Given this demographic reality, Community Board 9 reiterates the Bronx Borough Board’s support for Mayor DeBlasio's FY2016 Budget Priorities which includes providing universal afterschool programs to all NYC’s public middle school students, and summer programming for public afterschool programs. We are currently re-evaluating and updating our needs and budget request. In addition to what the Board is submitting now ,a more comprehensive report will be submitted next fiscal year that will be better formatted for this new process. image Capital Requests Related to Youth, Education and Child Welfare Priority Agency Request Explanation Location 3/43 SCA Provide technology I am attaching the technology request for 1980 upgrade (APPA) )08X376. They are also in need of Lafayette Ave classroom furniture, cafeteria furniture, and air conditioning units. no new items have been purchased, so basically the technology is outdated as well as the classroom furniture etc. 34/43 SCA Renovate other site Construct the Stevenson High School Performing 1980 component Arts and Recreation Center. Build the proposed LAFAYETTE center earmarked for this school. AVENUE 35/43 SCA Renovate other site Construct a Recreational Facility Adjacent to I.S. component 174X. This junior high school is heavily populated and in need of an outside recreational facility adjacent to designated parkland (Pugsley Creek Park). 36/43 SCA Provide a new or Construct P.S. 47 Mini School. There is severe expand an existing overcrowding at this school. elementary school 37/43 SCA Renovate other site Design and fund a connecting, sheltered Breeze- component Way between the permanent and temporary structure which will ensure the safety of the children from grades K-3 of P.S 69. 40/43 SCA Provide a new or Construct an Annex to the Existing Building for expand an existing Additional Classroom Space at PS 119. This elementary school school is presently greatly overcrowded and additional classroom space is required. 42/43 SCA Provide a new or Construct an annex to the existing PS 138X expand an existing building, for additional classroom space. This elementary school school is at capacity and even with rezoning the neighborhood schools are at full utilization. This overcrowded condition is seriously impacting on the educational environment. 43/43 SCA Provide a new or Allocate Funding for a Feasibility Study to expand an existing Develop an Elementary School Within elementary school Community District 9, in School District 12. There is a severe need to reduce area overcrowding in the schools within Community District 9, in School District 12. Expense Requests Related to Youth, Education and Child Welfare Priority Agency Request Explanation Location image 25/36 DYCD Provide, expand, or enhance Cornerstone and Beacon programs (all ages, including young adults) Identify Monies to Reinstitute Beacon Schools in Community Board Nine's District. We Are One of Largest Community Districts Within the Bronx and Many Areas Do Not Presently Have Any Services for Our Youth. To prevent crime and insure leadership development, additional Beacon Schools should be funded. PUBLIC SAFETY AND EMERGENCY SERVICES Bronx Community Board 9 image M ost Important Issue Related to Public Safety and Emergency Services Traffic violations and enforcement We need to reform this department to help us with critical traffic issues other than ticket blitzing . We request a meeting the Bronx Traffic Enforcement Commanding Officer. image image C ommunity District Needs Related to Public Safety and Emergency Services Needs for Public Safety Tracking request for new psa 8 police station. We are currently re-evaluating and updating our needs and budget request. In addition to what the Board is submitting now ,a more comprehensive report will be submitted next fiscal year that will be better formatted for this new process. Needs for Emergency Services We are currently re-evaluating and updating our needs and budget request. In addition to what the Board is submitting now ,a more comprehensive report will be submitted next fiscal year that will be better formatted for this new submission process. image Capital Requests Related to Public Safety and Emergency Services Priority Agency Request Explanation Location image 2/43 NYPD Provide a new NYPD facility, such as a new precinct house or sub-precinct Construct a Site for PSA8, NYCHA. This item, after several public hearings, was deemed more appropriately located at New York City Housing Authority - Bronx River Houses. We were advised that NYCHA was requested to renovate the Justice Sonia Sotomayor Houses (formerly Bronxdale Houses) old Community Center for use as a PSA. NYCHA is working to obtain preliminary Community Board approval and is preparing zoning overrides for mayoral approval prior to ULURP submission to Dept. of City Planning for certification. image 41/43 FDNY Rehabilitate or renovate existing fire houses or EMS stations Engine 64 & Ladder 47 both need new fire house doors. Also Engine 96 & Ladder 54 need new windows. Expense Requests Related to Public Safety and Emergency Services Priority Agency Request Explanation Location 8/36 NYPD Provide resources to The NCO Program is vital and we need to double train officers, e.g. in NCO officers. community policing 10/36 NYPD Provide additional 2 vans is needed for transport PSA 8 officers. patrol cars and Additional equipment needed: 2 unmarked other vehicles vehicles. 11/36 NYPD Assign additional The NYCHA-PSA 8 needs 45 additional police housing police officers and 5 civilian employees. officers 12/36 NYPD Provide additional Provide Equipment for the 43rd Precinct. patrol cars and Request 1 ATV (all-terrain vehicle) for the other vehicles precinct. This vehicle is needed to travel within our parklands, vacant lots and other undeveloped dirt surfaces that the patrol cars cannot access in emergency situations. Also, we are requesting 14 new Radio Motor Patrol Cars with mobile data computers. 13/36 NYPD Other NYPD staff resources requests The 43 Pct needs more PAAs (4) image CORE INFRASTRUCTURE, CITY SERVICES AND RESILIENCY Bronx Community Board 9 image M ost Important Issue Related to Core Infrastructure, City Services and Resiliency Cleanliness/trash collection We are currently re-evaluating and updating our needs and budget request. In addition to what the Board is submitting now ,a more comprehensive report will be submitted next fiscal year that will be better formatted for this new submission process. image image C ommunity District Needs Related to Core Infrastructure, City Services and Resiliency Needs for Water, Sewers, and Environmental Protection We are currently re-evaluating and updating our needs and budget request. In addition to what the Board is submitting now ,a more comprehensive report will be submitted next fiscal year that will be better formatted for this new submission process. Needs for Sanitation Services We are currently re-evaluating and updating our needs and budget request. In addition to what the Board is submitting now ,a more comprehensive report will be submitted next fiscal year that will be better formatted for this new submission process. image Capital Requests Related to Core Infrastructure, City Services and Resiliency Priority Agency Request Explanation Location image 45/43 DSNY Provide new or upgrade existing sanitation garages or other sanitation infrastructure The Department of Sanitation Requests Funds to Move to a New (Garage) Building on Zerega Avenue. The building they are currently in is not structurally sound and is condemned. Expense Requests Related to Core Infrastructure, City Services and Resiliency The Community Board did not submit any Budget Requests in this category. HOUSING, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND LAND USE Bronx Community Board 9 image M ost Important Issue Related to Housing, Economic Development and Land Use Condition of public housing We created a NYCHA Committee and we are currently re-evaluating and updating our needs and budget request. In addition to what the Board is submitting now ,a more comprehensive report will be submitted next fiscal year that will be better formatted for this new submission process. image image C ommunity District Needs Related to Housing, Economic Development and Land Use Needs for Land Use We would like city Planning to start a zoning initiative with our Community Board. (197 Plan) Needs for Housing We are currently re-evaluating and updating our needs and budget request. In addition to what the Board is submitting now ,a more comprehensive report will be submitted next fiscal year that will be better formatted for this new submission process. Needs for Economic Development Our Community Board has recently established a Economic Development Committee and looking to strengthen this portion of the District Needs in the Next FY. image Capital Requests Related to Housing, Economic Development and Land Use Priority Agency Request Explanation Location 10/43 EDC Invest in capital We request that Westchester Creek widened projects to improve (dredged) . This will enable full size barges to access to the pass. waterfront 21/43 NYCHA Install security We need upgraded cameras in all NYCHA cameras or make Buildings in our district other safety upgrades (Capital) 33/43 HPD Other affordable Adequate funding is needed to rehabilitate housing programs privately owned housing stock through such requests (capital) programs as Article 8A Program, the Participation Loan Program and the Home Improvement Program. 44/43 NYCHA Install security Monroe Houses Requests That Additional Funds cameras or make be Allocated to Install Security Cameras Within other safety Their Development. The additional cameras upgrades (Capital) would help lower crime within this development. 46/43 NYCHA Other public Monroe Houses Requests that a Capital Project housing upgrades or Be Created Which Would Improve Their renovations Infrastructure, Walkways and Paths. The current requests infrastructure of Monroe Houses is damaged and needs to be repaired. 47/43 NYCHA Renovate or Renovate Justice Sonia Sotomayor Houses upgrade NYCHA Community Center as a PSA8. We originally community facilities requested that the NYPD construct a new PSA or open space but we were advised that NYCHA was requested to renovate the Justice Sonia Sotomayor Houses (formerly Bronxdale Houses) old Community Center for use as a PSA. NYCHA is working to obtain preliminary Community Board approval and is preparing zoning overrides for mayoral approval prior to ULURP submission to Dept. of City Planning for certification. Expense Requests Related to Housing, Economic Development and Land Use Priority Agency Request Explanation Location 2/36 DCP Study land use and We would like to start a zoning initiative to zoning to better modify zoning in the west and north parts of our match current use district. During the last year we have completed or future community vision sessions and focus groups neighborhood throughout out our district and want to take the needs next step to change zoning for our future needs. 33/36 EDC Other public Continue Senior Resident Advisor Program. This housing program prevents unnecessary maintenance, institutionalization of the elderly and provides staffing and 24 hour staffing for crisis intervention and management emergencies. Services are provided by trained requests paraprofessionals and part-time professionals. 39/36 EDC Improve public Bronx River Houses requests sweepers be housing purchased to offset and improve work maintenance and performance within their facility. They have lost cleanliness personnel over a period of several years and stated that the bobcat would improve cleanup and maintenance of their facility. 43/36 HPD Other affordable We are in need of a study to review possible housing programs affordable housing programs in our district. requests (expense) 46/36 EDC Other public Create a tenant protection unit housing maintenance, staffing and management requests TRANSPORTATION Bronx Community Board 9 image M ost Important Issue Related to Transportation and Mobility Parking operations We need to develop a better to increase and sustain parking. Especially , near the Soundview ferry. Our city should mark parking spots with white lines, like other municipalities. This would increase parking. Furthermore, While nearly two thirds of residents in Community Board 9 rely on public transportation to get to work, there is only one subway line in the district and a significant portion of households are further than a mile from a subway stop. Further, there are no subway stops in the district that are accessible by elevator, making a subway commute difficult or impossible for wheelchair users and other residents who have difficulty with stairs. Because the subway is out of walking distance for many commuters, bus service serves a critical role in the community. The district is served by several local and express bus routes, and many have seen increasing ridership and decreasing performance in recent years. For example, according to MTA data from 2015, the Bx36 route has the fifth highest ridership in the Bronx. This route experiences a significant amount of bus “bunching,” when two buses arrive at a stop simultaneously because of delays. In 2015,Bx36 arrived in bunches 14.5% of the time. Two bus routes, the Bx39 and Bx27, provide service to the upcoming Soundview ferry stop. Both of these lines have seen increased ridership since 2010: a 12.5% increase on the Bx39 and a 10.1% increase on the Bx27. The Bx39 has had some service issues; for example, currently 10.9% of buses arrive at their stop bunched. Crowding and delays could be exacerbated when the ferry opens due to increased demand. Finally, community members have brought up quality-of-life issues related to bus service in the district. Community members are concerned about bus cleanliness and maintenance of fabric seats. Another concern is pedestrian safety, especially when buses stop outside of designated areas or block crosswalks, blocking pedestrians’ view of oncoming traffic and walk signals. Finally, buses sometimes cut through residential streets rather than turning around in designated areas, bringing noise and safety issues to these streets. image image C ommunity District Needs Related to Transportation and Mobility Needs for Traffic and Transportation Infrastructure Community Board 9 has the largest district in The Bronx with nearly 200,000 residents and geographically 5 square miles. The most congested corridor, the Cross Bronx Expressway in located in our CB. In Addition, other major arteries such as the Sheridan Expressway, Bruckner Expressway, Bronx River Parkway and Hutch Parkway contribute to thousands of vehicles utilizing our district, thus effecting our traffic and transportation infrastructure. Needs for Transit Services Bronx Community Board 9 residents rely heavily on public transportation, and providing high-quality transit services will connect residents with needed opportunities. According to the 2013 5-year American Community Survey, 62.3% of CB9 residents primarily use public transit services to get to work. This is higher than the city average of 55.9%. Additionally, the commute time for the working population is longer than the city average, 44.7 minutes compared to 39.2. At the same time, CB9 faces higher poverty and unemployment rates compared to the city as a whole. The poverty rate in the district is 28.4% compared to the city average of 20.3%. The unemployment rate is 13.5% compared to the city average of 10.6%. To address this discrepancy, better transit services are needed to connect residents with job opportunities both within and outside of the district. Finally, better transit services are needed to serve residents with disabilities. 11.9% of the district’s population has a disability, compared to 10.3% in NYC, and many of these residents may rely on public transportation for commutes and other traveling needs. Combined with the senior population and those approaching senior status, there is a significant portion of the population that requires high-quality transit service to meet basic needs. image Capital Requests Related to Transportation and Mobility Priority Agency Request Explanation Location 5/43 DOT Reconstruct streets the South end of CB9 was constructed over swamp land and many streets are sinking and are in great need of Reconstruction. Ex. White Plains Road, Stick Ball Blvd, Lafayette Ave, Boynton Ave, etc. 6/43 DOT Other Close Ave between Bruckner Blvd & Story is Close Ave transportation closed illegally by man made gates. We request Story ave infrastructure this street to be reopened and sidewalks Bruckner Blvd requests installed for safety and improve traffic flow. 8/43 DOT Other We are requesting that the city re-visit the transportation constructing two Bridges for vehicles in CB9. infrastructure One on west side and east side of our district requests connecting to current city streets. Ex. Story and Lafayette ave, to help relive traffic conditions 9/43 DOT Repair or construct We want to see every bus stop have concrete new medians or bus pads. pads 14/43 NYCTA Improve Parkchester Train Station is one of the busiest accessibility of train stations in the Bronx, serving thousands or transit seniors and disabled individuals. We need a infrastructure, by elevator at this site. providing elevators, escalators, etc. 15/43 DOT Repair or construct Construct Sidewalks on Metcalf Avenue Metcalf Ave new curbs or Between Watson and Westchester Avenues. Watson Ave pedestrian ramps Construction of sidewalks on Metcalf Avenue, Westchester adjacent to the Bronx River Parkway, are Ave needed because residents must walk in the street and it is dangerous. 16/43 DOT Improve traffic and White Plains Road & Bruckner Blvd is a very White Plains pedestrian safety, dangerous intersection. A new Public School is Road including traffic being constructed and set to be completed in Bruckner Blvd calming (Capital) school year 2018. We are requesting a study Watson Ave and improvements for traffic and pedestrian safety at this intersection. Ex. Delayed Green for Pedestrians, additional cross walks, crossing guards, etc. 26/43 NYCTA Repair or upgrade subway stations or other transit infrastructure We would like to see every bus stop in our district to have a bus shelter installed where possible, for the safety of our residents. 27/43 DOT Other Construct Bolton Avenue (from Gildersleeve Bolton Ave transportation Avenue to O'Brien Avenue). Requires Gildersleeve infrastructure development/creation of Bolton Avenue to Ave O'Brien requests include sewers, curbs, catch basins, street lights, Ave street signs (black top, asphalt). The Parks Department is now prepared to start the development of Harding Park. Sidewalks and lights are required for public access. 29/43 DOT Reconstruct streets We Request the Reconstruction of the following Streets: Lafayette Avenue from Thieriot Avenue to Castle Hill Avenue; White Plains Road from Seward Avenue to Lafayette Avenue; Newman Avenue from Lafayette Avenue to Randall Avenue; White Plains Road from Bruckner Blvd to Lafayette Avenue and Castle Hill Avenue to White Plains Road. The road conditions presently are dangerous and hazardous. While repairs have been made they have the longevity of no more than 5 years. 30/43 DOT Repair or provide Allocate Funds for Additional Lighting. Request Close Ave and new street lights funds for additional lighting to be placed at Bruckner Blvd Close Avenue and Bruckner Boulevard adjacent to the planned Close Avenue Playground. 31/43 DOT Reconstruct streets Reconstruct Streets & Sewers in the Clason Point Newman Ave Area (Newman Avenue from Soundview Avenue Soundview to Compton Avenue). Construction of streets & Ave Compton of sewers is needed for this area and the Ave adjacent streets. 38/43 DOT Improve traffic and We Request that Center Islands be Erected at: White Plains pedestrian safety, White Plains Road, from Lafayette to O'brien Road including traffic Avenue: Randall Avenue, from White Plains Lafayette Ave calming (Capital) Road to Olmstead Avenue; Lafayette Avenue O'Brien Ave from Bolton Avenue to Metcalf Avenue; Story Avenue to Seward Avenue. To ensure the safety of the general public and address present traffic conditions. Expense Requests Related to Transportation and Mobility Priority Agency Request Explanation Location 4/36 NYCTA Improve bus We have received many complaints of the buses cleanliness, safety not being clean. Also received complaints that or maintenance the cloth chairs are unsanitary. Moreover, the buses on the BX05 are old buses. 5/36 DOT Address traffic The intersection of Bruckner Blvd and Bronx Bronx River congestion River Ave is gridlocked during rush hour. Ave Story ave Effecting traffic flow on story ave and streets in Bruckner Blvd vicinity. Residents are forced to walk to train station because buses cant move in traffic. We request this issue be addressed. 6/36 NYCTA Expand bus service We have received hundreds of complaints a year frequency or hours in ref to the inadequacy of service on this bus of operation line. During rush hours the buses are full of riders and residents can not use this service line and are forced to walk to work. In addition, the service does not run after a certain time and residents can not utilize this bus line during the late hours. We need additional buses on this line during rush hour. 7/36 DOT Conduct traffic or The intersection of Bruckner Blvd and Bronx Bronx River parking studies River Ave is gridlocked during rush hour. We Ave Bruckner request a traffic study to be conducted at this Blvd Bronx intersection and surrounding streets. River Parkway 14/36 NYCTA Improve subway The Parkchester Train Station was renovated a station or train few years ago. We have seen some issues with cleanliness, safety graffiti, station cleanliness and bathroom and maintenance maintenance. The escalator, windows, lamps, etc need to be cleaned periodically. The escalator looks like its never been cleaned. We want to make sure this stations beauty is maintained. 15/36 NYCTA Expand subway The number 6 train line is a very busy line in the service frequency or heart of our district. We have seen numerous hours of operations issues with service frequency. 16/36 NYCTA Provide a new bus We have the need to create a new service line service or Select Bus along with the BX05 bus line and/or on Bruckner Service Blvd. 17/36 DOT Conduct traffic or The intersection of Story Ave Bronx River Ave is Story Ave parking studies gridlocked during rush hour. We request a traffic Bronx River study to be conducted on story ave. Ave Metcalf Ave 18/36 DOT Other expense Allocate Funds for a Traffic Study to Install Castle Hill Ave traffic Traffic Devices on Castle Hill Avenue from E. E. Tremont improvements Tremont Avenue to Zerega Avenue. There is a Ave Zerega requests need for this due to an increased amount of Ave vehicular traffic on Castle Hill Avenue. 19/36 DOT Other expense Request a Traffic Study of the Cross Bronx traffic Expressway Service Road From Castle Hill improvements Avenue to Bronx River Avenue; and to Include requests Nobel Avenue from the Cross Bronx Expressway Service Road to Mansion Street. Traffic conditions are dangerous and hazardous and cannot be addressed solely by the monitoring of the 43rd Precinct. 20/36 DOT Other expense Allocate Funding to Conduct a Traffic Study of traffic Unionport, Castle Hill, Soundview and the Bronx improvements River Communities. There is a need for requests additional traffic signals or devices to alleviate the high volume of vehicular traffic and speeding. 22/36 DOT Other expense We Request that a Traffic Study be Conducted at Castle Hill Ave traffic Castle Hill Avenue from Westchester Avenue to Westchester improvements Bruckner Blvd, Which Would Include the Ave Bruckner requests Bruckner Service Road (North and South from Blvd Zerega Avenue to Bronx River Avenue). Traffic conditions are dangerous and hazardous and cannot be addressed soley by the monitoring of the 43rd Precinct. PARKS, CULTURAL AND OTHER COMMUNITY FACILITIES Bronx Community Board 9 image M ost Important Issue Related to Parks, Cultural and Other Community Facilities Community board resources (offices, staff and equipment) Community Board nine is the largest in the Bronx with nearly 200,000 residents. We need more resources , staff and larger office. image image C ommunity District Needs Related to Parks, Cultural and Other Community Facilities Needs for Parks We are currently re-evaluating and updating our needs and budget request. In addition to what the Board is submitting now ,a more comprehensive report will be submitted next fiscal year that will be better formatted for this new submission process. Needs for Cultural Services We are currently re-evaluating and updating our needs and budget request. In addition to what the Board is submitting now ,a more comprehensive report will be submitted next fiscal year that will be better formatted for this new submission process. Needs for Library Services We are currently re-evaluating and updating our needs and budget request. In addition to what the Board is submitting now ,a more comprehensive report will be submitted next fiscal year that will be better formatted for this new submission process. Needs for Community Boards No comments image Capital Requests Related to Parks, Cultural and Other Community Facilities Priority Agency Request Explanation Location 1/43 DCAS Renovate, upgrade Resources needed for community board office. or provide new We are moving into a new office and need community board upgraded equipment. facilities and equipment 4/43 DPR Reconstruct or We need this park upgraded to be conducive to upgrade a park or the new Soundview ferry operation. amenity (i.e. playground, outdoor athletic field) 7/43 DPR Reconstruct or We need to upgrade this park, its underutilized. upgrade a park or We have started talk in our committee with amenity (i.e. some ideas. playground, outdoor athletic field) 11/43 DPR Reconstruct or The facilities in the park haven't been renovated upgrade a park or for over a decade. The paint is wearing off on amenity (i.e. the playground. There isn't any park personnel playground, outdoor to maintain park regulations. The bathrooms athletic field) are always locked but the park stays open attracting loafers. This park is greatly utilized by many families and children during the summertime; however, it lacks amenities considering the large size of the park. The families and children deserve a remodeled park. 12/43 DPR Reconstruct or This park is greatly utilized by families in the upgrade a park or neighborhood to play volleyball and to relax on amenity (i.e. the benches; however, the current park is just an playground, outdoor open space. We request that the Parks athletic field) Department look into upgrading the amenities to adapt to the current usage. 13/43 DCAS Renovate, upgrade During the past 20 years, Community Board 9 or provide new has grown in size in its membership, committees community board and community meeting participants. This facilities and indication that the people who live and work in equipment my Senatorial District are becoming more active in our local government within Community Board 9 requires greater space to accommodate their demands, projects and agendas. A larger office will provide Community Board 9 with the necessary space to meet the existing growing needs. 17/43 DPR Reconstruct or Request: Construct a Cricket Field in Soundview upgrade a park or Park and other Parks in the District which are amenity (i.e. suitable for housing Cricket Fields. Explanation: playground, outdoor As a result of the growing South Asian and East athletic field) Indian populations in the district there is a growing need for suitable facilities to accommodate the popular sport of Cricket. There has been a great expansion of league play and it is important that suitable fields are available for recreation. 18/43 NYPL Create a new, or $725,000 ADA elevator: this 1985 branch will renovate or upgrade replace the current outdated elevator and sure an existing public it is compliant with ADA regulations. $1,700,000 library boiler: this project will replace the current boiler with an energy efficient model this will make the building more energy-efficient by reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas in missions. A new boiler will ensure that the library is adequate heated during the colder months. HVAC. This project will replace the HVAC system of energy efficient model. This is an existing project I need supplemental funding. NY PL branches are designated NYC office of emergency management cooling centers. They provide cool and safe environment for patrons and community members. During periods of extensive heat 19/43 NYPL Create a new, or 300,000 supplemental request - HVAC. This renovate or upgrade project will replace the HVAC system with an an existing public energy efficient model. This is an existing library project that need supplemental funding. NYPL branches are designated New York City office of emergency management cooling centers. They provide cool and safe environment for patrons and community members during periods of extensive heat. 20/43 NYPL Create a new, or $300,000 - Boiler : This project will replace the renovate or upgrade current boiler with an energy efficient model. an existing public library 22/43 NYPL Create a new, or $1,500,000 Exterior Request: This branch is in renovate or upgrade need of an exterior upgrade which will enhance an existing public the patron experience the repairs will beautify library the branches exterior parents and ensure the comfort of staff and patrons inside. 28/43 DPR Provide a new, or new expansion to, a building in a park Funding for a Study to Construct and Fund a Recreational Facility in El Parque de los Ninos. Number one priority to address the needs of the constituents of Bronx River and Soundview. Presently, there are two facilities dedicated within this Community Board which address the needs of our youth and residents and they are the YMCA (located at 2 Castle Hill Avenue) and the Kips Bay Boys and Girls Club (located on Randall Avenue and White Plains Road) and they have presently over 7,000 registered clients at each of these facilities. There are no facilities of this type within the aforementioned Bronx River/Soundview Neighborhood. It was a sentiment of those testiying that a facility of this type would help address the afterschool recreational and educational needs of 32/43 DPR Reconstruct or upgrade a park or amenity (i.e. playground, outdoor athletic field) Allocate Funds to Complete Phase II of Soundview Park. The first phase of Soundview Park has been completed. We want to develop plans for the area south of Randall Avenue between Bronx River Avenue and the Bronx River. CS DPR Plant new street trees Plant Trees in the Neighborhood Strategy Area- NSA (15 Trees Per Block, 20 Blocks Per Year). The Department of Parks and Recreation will contract out and oversee the planting of 15 trees per block, along 20 blocks. CS DPR Reconstruct or upgrade a park or amenity (i.e. playground, outdoor athletic field) Harding Park Playground has not been upgraded since it was constructed in 1999. We would like to see this Park renovated. Expense Requests Related to Parks, Cultural and Other Community Facilities Priority Agency Request Explanation Location image 1/36 OMB Provide more community board staff We serve nearly 200,000 residents making us the largest in the Bronx. we need more staff and budget for hiring and more resources. image 24/36 DPR Other requests for park, building, or access improvements Fund Feasibility Study to Create a Passive Recreation Area for the Existing Starlite Park. Request Starlite Park to become a passive park for people in the area to enjoy. 26/36 DPR New equipment for maintenance (Expense) Allocate Parks Equipment for the M & O and Recreation Divisions. Need a grass cutting tracker and pickup trucks for the Community Board 9 area. 27/36 DPR Forestry services, Restore Tree Pruning and Stump Removal including street tree Programs. Trees are in dire need of care. maintenance 28/36 DPR Other park Restore Parks Department Personnel for M & O maintenance and and Recreation Divisions. Personnel urgently safety requests needed to adequately maintain and supervise parks and playgrounds. 30/36 NYPL Extend library hours THE NYPL receive the additional baseline or expand and funding of $18,860 and the fiscal year 2017 city enhance library budget. The full restoration and baseline of programs expense funding in the cities FY 2017 budget will allow the New York public library to maintain the increase in hours from 46 to 50 weekly. We want to maintain and increase this funding.
      6. OTHER BUDGET REQUESTS Other Capital Requests The Community Board did not submit any Budget Requests in this category. Other Expense Requests The Community Board did not submit any Budget Requests in this category.
      7. SUMMARY OF PRIORITIZED BUDGET REQUESTS Capital Budget Requests Priority Agency Request Explanation Location 1/43 DCAS Renovate, upgrade Resources needed for community board office. or provide new We are moving into a new office and need community board upgraded equipment. facilities and equipment 2/43 NYPD Provide a new NYPD Construct a Site for PSA8, NYCHA. This item, facility, such as a after several public hearings, was deemed more new precinct house appropriately located at New York City Housing or sub-precinct Authority - Bronx River Houses. We were advised that NYCHA was requested to renovate the Justice Sonia Sotomayor Houses (formerly Bronxdale Houses) old Community Center for use as a PSA. NYCHA is working to obtain preliminary Community Board approval and is preparing zoning overrides for mayoral approval prior to ULURP submission to Dept. of City Planning for certification. 3/43 SCA Provide technology I am attaching the technology request for 1980 upgrade (APPA) )08X376. They are also in need of Lafayette Ave classroom furniture, cafeteria furniture, and air conditioning units. no new items have been purchased, so basically the technology is outdated as well as the classroom furniture etc. 4/43 DPR Reconstruct or We need this park upgraded to be conducive to upgrade a park or the new Soundview ferry operation. amenity (i.e. playground, outdoor athletic field) 5/43 DOT Reconstruct streets the South end of CB9 was constructed over swamp land and many streets are sinking and are in great need of Reconstruction. Ex. White Plains Road, Stick Ball Blvd, Lafayette Ave, Boynton Ave, etc. 6/43 DOT Other Close Ave between Bruckner Blvd & Story is Close Ave transportation closed illegally by man made gates. We request Story ave infrastructure this street to be reopened and sidewalks Bruckner Blvd requests installed for safety and improve traffic flow. 7/43 DPR Reconstruct or We need to upgrade this park, its underutilized. upgrade a park or We have started talk in our committee with amenity (i.e. some ideas. playground, outdoor athletic field) 8/43 DOT Other We are requesting that the city re-visit the transportation constructing two Bridges for vehicles in CB9. infrastructure One on west side and east side of our district requests connecting to current city streets. Ex. Story and Lafayette ave, to help relive traffic conditions 9/43 DOT Repair or construct We want to see every bus stop have concrete new medians or bus pads. pads 10/43 EDC Invest in capital We request that Westchester Creek widened projects to improve (dredged) . This will enable full size barges to access to the pass. waterfront 11/43 DPR Reconstruct or The facilities in the park haven't been renovated upgrade a park or for over a decade. The paint is wearing off on amenity (i.e. the playground. There isn't any park personnel playground, outdoor to maintain park regulations. The bathrooms athletic field) are always locked but the park stays open attracting loafers. This park is greatly utilized by many families and children during the summertime; however, it lacks amenities considering the large size of the park. The families and children deserve a remodeled park. 12/43 DPR Reconstruct or This park is greatly utilized by families in the upgrade a park or neighborhood to play volleyball and to relax on amenity (i.e. the benches; however, the current park is just an playground, outdoor open space. We request that the Parks athletic field) Department look into upgrading the amenities to adapt to the current usage. 13/43 DCAS Renovate, upgrade During the past 20 years, Community Board 9 or provide new has grown in size in its membership, committees community board and community meeting participants. This facilities and indication that the people who live and work in equipment my Senatorial District are becoming more active in our local government within Community Board 9 requires greater space to accommodate their demands, projects and agendas. A larger office will provide Community Board 9 with the necessary space to meet the existing growing needs. 14/43 NYCTA Improve Parkchester Train Station is one of the busiest accessibility of train stations in the Bronx, serving thousands or transit seniors and disabled individuals. We need a infrastructure, by elevator at this site. providing elevators, escalators, etc. 15/43 DOT Repair or construct Construct Sidewalks on Metcalf Avenue Metcalf Ave new curbs or Between Watson and Westchester Avenues. Watson Ave pedestrian ramps Construction of sidewalks on Metcalf Avenue, Westchester adjacent to the Bronx River Parkway, are Ave needed because residents must walk in the street and it is dangerous. 16/43 DOT Improve traffic and White Plains Road & Bruckner Blvd is a very White Plains pedestrian safety, dangerous intersection. A new Public School is Road including traffic being constructed and set to be completed in Bruckner Blvd calming (Capital) school year 2018. We are requesting a study Watson Ave and improvements for traffic and pedestrian safety at this intersection. Ex. Delayed Green for Pedestrians, additional cross walks, crossing guards, etc. 17/43 DPR Reconstruct or Request: Construct a Cricket Field in Soundview upgrade a park or Park and other Parks in the District which are amenity (i.e. suitable for housing Cricket Fields. Explanation: playground, outdoor As a result of the growing South Asian and East athletic field) Indian populations in the district there is a growing need for suitable facilities to accommodate the popular sport of Cricket. There has been a great expansion of league play and it is important that suitable fields are available for recreation. 18/43 NYPL Create a new, or $725,000 ADA elevator: this 1985 branch will renovate or upgrade replace the current outdated elevator and sure an existing public it is compliant with ADA regulations. $1,700,000 library boiler: this project will replace the current boiler with an energy efficient model this will make the building more energy-efficient by reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas in missions. A new boiler will ensure that the library is adequate heated during the colder months. HVAC. This project will replace the HVAC system of energy efficient model. This is an existing project I need supplemental funding. NY PL branches are designated NYC office of emergency management cooling centers. They provide cool and safe environment for patrons and community members. During periods of extensive heat 19/43 NYPL Create a new, or 300,000 supplemental request - HVAC. This renovate or upgrade project will replace the HVAC system with an an existing public energy efficient model. This is an existing library project that need supplemental funding. NYPL branches are designated New York City office of emergency management cooling centers. They provide cool and safe environment for patrons and community members during periods of extensive heat. 20/43 NYPL Create a new, or $300,000 - Boiler : This project will replace the renovate or upgrade current boiler with an energy efficient model. an existing public library 21/43 NYCHA Install security We need upgraded cameras in all NYCHA cameras or make Buildings in our district other safety upgrades (Capital) 22/43 NYPL Create a new, or $1,500,000 Exterior Request: This branch is in renovate or upgrade need of an exterior upgrade which will enhance an existing public the patron experience the repairs will beautify library the branches exterior parents and ensure the comfort of staff and patrons inside. 26/43 NYCTA Repair or upgrade We would like to see every bus stop in our subway stations or district to have a bus shelter installed where other transit possible, for the safety of our residents. infrastructure 27/43 DOT Other Construct Bolton Avenue (from Gildersleeve Bolton Ave transportation Avenue to O'Brien Avenue). Requires Gildersleeve infrastructure development/creation of Bolton Avenue to Ave O'Brien requests include sewers, curbs, catch basins, street lights, Ave street signs (black top, asphalt). The Parks Department is now prepared to start the development of Harding Park. Sidewalks and lights are required for public access. 28/43 DPR Provide a new, or new expansion to, a building in a park Funding for a Study to Construct and Fund a Recreational Facility in El Parque de los Ninos. Number one priority to address the needs of the constituents of Bronx River and Soundview. Presently, there are two facilities dedicated within this Community Board which address the needs of our youth and residents and they are the YMCA (located at 2 Castle Hill Avenue) and the Kips Bay Boys and Girls Club (located on Randall Avenue and White Plains Road) and they have presently over 7,000 registered clients at each of these facilities. There are no facilities of this type within the aforementioned Bronx River/Soundview Neighborhood. It was a sentiment of those testiying that a facility of this type would help address the afterschool recreational and educational needs of 29/43 DOT Reconstruct streets We Request the Reconstruction of the following Streets: Lafayette Avenue from Thieriot Avenue to Castle Hill Avenue; White Plains Road from Seward Avenue to Lafayette Avenue; Newman Avenue from Lafayette Avenue to Randall Avenue; White Plains Road from Bruckner Blvd to Lafayette Avenue and Castle Hill Avenue to White Plains Road. The road conditions presently are dangerous and hazardous. While repairs have been made they have the longevity of no more than 5 years. 30/43 DOT Repair or provide new street lights Allocate Funds for Additional Lighting. Request funds for additional lighting to be placed at Close Avenue and Bruckner Boulevard adjacent to the planned Close Avenue Playground. Close Ave and Bruckner Blvd 31/43 DOT Reconstruct streets Reconstruct Streets & Sewers in the Clason Point Area (Newman Avenue from Soundview Avenue to Compton Avenue). Construction of streets & of sewers is needed for this area and the adjacent streets. Newman Ave Soundview Ave Compton Ave 32/43 DPR Reconstruct or upgrade a park or amenity (i.e. playground, outdoor athletic field) Allocate Funds to Complete Phase II of Soundview Park. The first phase of Soundview Park has been completed. We want to develop plans for the area south of Randall Avenue between Bronx River Avenue and the Bronx River. 33/43 HPD Other affordable Adequate funding is needed to rehabilitate housing programs privately owned housing stock through such requests (capital) programs as Article 8A Program, the Participation Loan Program and the Home Improvement Program. 34/43 SCA Renovate other site Construct the Stevenson High School Performing 1980 component Arts and Recreation Center. Build the proposed LAFAYETTE center earmarked for this school. AVENUE 35/43 SCA Renovate other site Construct a Recreational Facility Adjacent to I.S. component 174X. This junior high school is heavily populated and in need of an outside recreational facility adjacent to designated parkland (Pugsley Creek Park). 36/43 SCA Provide a new or Construct P.S. 47 Mini School. There is severe expand an existing overcrowding at this school. elementary school 37/43 SCA Renovate other site Design and fund a connecting, sheltered Breeze- component Way between the permanent and temporary structure which will ensure the safety of the children from grades K-3 of P.S 69. 38/43 DOT Improve traffic and We Request that Center Islands be Erected at: White Plains pedestrian safety, White Plains Road, from Lafayette to O'brien Road including traffic Avenue: Randall Avenue, from White Plains Lafayette Ave calming (Capital) Road to Olmstead Avenue; Lafayette Avenue O'Brien Ave from Bolton Avenue to Metcalf Avenue; Story Avenue to Seward Avenue. To ensure the safety of the general public and address present traffic conditions. 40/43 SCA Provide a new or Construct an Annex to the Existing Building for expand an existing Additional Classroom Space at PS 119. This elementary school school is presently greatly overcrowded and additional classroom space is required. 41/43 FDNY Rehabilitate or Engine 64 & Ladder 47 both need new fire renovate existing house doors. Also Engine 96 & Ladder 54 need fire houses or EMS new windows. stations 42/43 SCA Provide a new or Construct an annex to the existing PS 138X expand an existing building, for additional classroom space. This elementary school school is at capacity and even with rezoning the neighborhood schools are at full utilization. This overcrowded condition is seriously impacting on the educational environment. 43/43 SCA Provide a new or Allocate Funding for a Feasibility Study to expand an existing Develop an Elementary School Within elementary school Community District 9, in School District 12. There is a severe need to reduce area overcrowding in the schools within Community District 9, in School District 12. 44/43 NYCHA Install security Monroe Houses Requests That Additional Funds cameras or make be Allocated to Install Security Cameras Within other safety Their Development. The additional cameras upgrades (Capital) would help lower crime within this development. 45/43 DSNY Provide new or The Department of Sanitation Requests Funds to upgrade existing Move to a New (Garage) Building on Zerega sanitation garages Avenue. The building they are currently in is not or other sanitation structurally sound and is condemned. infrastructure 46/43 NYCHA Other public Monroe Houses Requests that a Capital Project housing upgrades or Be Created Which Would Improve Their renovations Infrastructure, Walkways and Paths. The current requests infrastructure of Monroe Houses is damaged and needs to be repaired. 47/43 NYCHA Renovate or Renovate Justice Sonia Sotomayor Houses upgrade NYCHA Community Center as a PSA8. We originally community facilities requested that the NYPD construct a new PSA or open space but we were advised that NYCHA was requested to renovate the Justice Sonia Sotomayor Houses (formerly Bronxdale Houses) old Community Center for use as a PSA. NYCHA is working to obtain preliminary Community Board approval and is preparing zoning overrides for mayoral approval prior to ULURP submission to Dept. of City Planning for certification. CS DPR Plant new street Plant Trees in the Neighborhood Strategy Area- trees NSA (15 Trees Per Block, 20 Blocks Per Year). The Department of Parks and Recreation will contract out and oversee the planting of 15 trees per block, along 20 blocks. CS DPR Reconstruct or Harding Park Playground has not been upgrade a park or upgraded since it was constructed in 1999. We amenity (i.e. would like to see this Park renovated. playground, outdoor athletic field) Expense Budget Requests Priority Agency Request Explanation Location 1/36 OMB Provide more We serve nearly 200,000 residents making us community board the largest in the Bronx. we need more staff and staff budget for hiring and more resources. 2/36 DCP Study land use and We would like to start a zoning initiative to zoning to better modify zoning in the west and north parts of our match current use district. During the last year we have completed or future community vision sessions and focus groups neighborhood throughout out our district and want to take the needs next step to change zoning for our future needs. 3/36 HHC Provide a new or The Jacobi Hospital ER Fast Track unit must be a expanded health 24 hour facility. T care facility 4/36 NYCTA Improve bus We have received many complaints of the buses cleanliness, safety not being clean. Also received complaints that or maintenance the cloth chairs are unsanitary. Moreover, the buses on the BX05 are old buses. 5/36 DOT Address traffic The intersection of Bruckner Blvd and Bronx Bronx River congestion River Ave is gridlocked during rush hour. Ave Story ave Effecting traffic flow on story ave and streets in Bruckner Blvd vicinity. Residents are forced to walk to train station because buses cant move in traffic. We request this issue be addressed. 6/36 NYCTA Expand bus service We have received hundreds of complaints a year frequency or hours in ref to the inadequacy of service on this bus of operation line. During rush hours the buses are full of riders and residents can not use this service line and are forced to walk to work. In addition, the service does not run after a certain time and residents can not utilize this bus line during the late hours. We need additional buses on this line during rush hour. 7/36 DOT Conduct traffic or The intersection of Bruckner Blvd and Bronx Bronx River parking studies River Ave is gridlocked during rush hour. We Ave Bruckner request a traffic study to be conducted at this Blvd Bronx intersection and surrounding streets. River Parkway 8/36 NYPD Provide resources to The NCO Program is vital and we need to double train officers, e.g. in NCO officers. community policing 10/36 NYPD Provide additional patrol cars and other vehicles 2 vans is needed for transport PSA 8 officers. Additional equipment needed: 2 unmarked vehicles. 11/36 NYPD Assign additional The NYCHA-PSA 8 needs 45 additional police housing police officers and 5 civilian employees. officers 12/36 NYPD Provide additional Provide Equipment for the 43rd Precinct. patrol cars and Request 1 ATV (all-terrain vehicle) for the other vehicles precinct. This vehicle is needed to travel within our parklands, vacant lots and other undeveloped dirt surfaces that the patrol cars cannot access in emergency situations. Also, we are requesting 14 new Radio Motor Patrol Cars with mobile data computers. 13/36 NYPD Other NYPD staff The 43 Pct needs more PAAs (4) resources requests 14/36 NYCTA Improve subway The Parkchester Train Station was renovated a station or train few years ago. We have seen some issues with cleanliness, safety graffiti, station cleanliness and bathroom and maintenance maintenance. The escalator, windows, lamps, etc need to be cleaned periodically. The escalator looks like its never been cleaned. We want to make sure this stations beauty is maintained. 15/36 NYCTA Expand subway The number 6 train line is a very busy line in the service frequency or heart of our district. We have seen numerous hours of operations issues with service frequency. 16/36 NYCTA Provide a new bus We have the need to create a new service line service or Select Bus along with the BX05 bus line and/or on Bruckner Service Blvd. 17/36 DOT Conduct traffic or The intersection of Story Ave Bronx River Ave is Story Ave parking studies gridlocked during rush hour. We request a traffic Bronx River study to be conducted on story ave. Ave Metcalf Ave 18/36 DOT Other expense Allocate Funds for a Traffic Study to Install Castle Hill Ave traffic Traffic Devices on Castle Hill Avenue from E. E. Tremont improvements Tremont Avenue to Zerega Avenue. There is a Ave Zerega requests need for this due to an increased amount of Ave vehicular traffic on Castle Hill Avenue. 19/36 DOT Other expense Request a Traffic Study of the Cross Bronx traffic Expressway Service Road From Castle Hill improvements Avenue to Bronx River Avenue; and to Include requests Nobel Avenue from the Cross Bronx Expressway Service Road to Mansion Street. Traffic conditions are dangerous and hazardous and cannot be addressed solely by the monitoring of the 43rd Precinct. 20/36 DOT Other expense Allocate Funding to Conduct a Traffic Study of traffic Unionport, Castle Hill, Soundview and the Bronx improvements River Communities. There is a need for requests additional traffic signals or devices to alleviate the high volume of vehicular traffic and speeding. 22/36 DOT Other expense We Request that a Traffic Study be Conducted at Castle Hill Ave traffic Castle Hill Avenue from Westchester Avenue to Westchester improvements Bruckner Blvd, Which Would Include the Ave Bruckner requests Bruckner Service Road (North and South from Blvd Zerega Avenue to Bronx River Avenue). Traffic conditions are dangerous and hazardous and cannot be addressed soley by the monitoring of the 43rd Precinct. 24/36 DPR Other requests for Fund Feasibility Study to Create a Passive park, building, or Recreation Area for the Existing Starlite Park. access Request Starlite Park to become a passive park improvements for people in the area to enjoy. 25/36 DYCD Provide, expand, or Identify Monies to Reinstitute Beacon Schools in enhance Community Board Nine's District. We Are One of Cornerstone and Largest Community Districts Within the Bronx Beacon programs and Many Areas Do Not Presently Have Any (all ages, including Services for Our Youth. To prevent crime and young adults) insure leadership development, additional Beacon Schools should be funded. 26/36 DPR New equipment for Allocate Parks Equipment for the M & O and maintenance Recreation Divisions. Need a grass cutting (Expense) tracker and pickup trucks for the Community Board 9 area. 27/36 DPR Forestry services, Restore Tree Pruning and Stump Removal including street tree Programs. Trees are in dire need of care. maintenance 28/36 DPR Other park Restore Parks Department Personnel for M & O maintenance and and Recreation Divisions. Personnel urgently safety requests needed to adequately maintain and supervise parks and playgrounds. 29/36 DOHMH Other animal and pest control requests We need to see who we can get more resources for Raccoon control for residents. 30/36 NYPL Extend library hours THE NYPL receive the additional baseline or expand and funding of $18,860 and the fiscal year 2017 city enhance library budget. The full restoration and baseline of programs expense funding in the cities FY 2017 budget will allow the New York public library to maintain the increase in hours from 46 to 50 weekly. We want to maintain and increase this funding. 32/36 DOHMH Increase health We have seen the Health Inspectors system to inspections, e.g. for be a revenue based system. Focused more on restaurants questionable enforcement rather then prevention and education. Which benefits the all parties including the public. 33/36 EDC Other public Continue Senior Resident Advisor Program. This housing program prevents unnecessary maintenance, institutionalization of the elderly and provides staffing and 24 hour staffing for crisis intervention and management emergencies. Services are provided by trained requests paraprofessionals and part-time professionals. 35/36 DFTA Enhance home care Fund Home Care Services. There aren't sufficient services home care services for Community District 9's increasing elderly population. Funds are requested to provide for additional home care services. 37/36 DFTA Increase home Provide Meals-on-Wheels Services. Funding is delivered meals needed for Meals-on-Wheels services; there are capacity not enough services for the elderly population in Community District 9. 39/36 EDC Improve public Bronx River Houses requests sweepers be housing purchased to offset and improve work maintenance and performance within their facility. They have lost cleanliness personnel over a period of several years and stated that the bobcat would improve cleanup and maintenance of their facility. 42/36 DFTA Increase Provide Funding for a Handicap Vehicle for transportation Transporting Seniors. Our seniors continue to services capacity support this request. The seniors have serious concerns about "pickup and drop off" and "delays in service." It was their opinion that presently there may not be enough vehicles to serve the needs of this aging population. 43/36 HPD Other affordable housing programs requests (expense) We are in need of a study to review possible affordable housing programs in our district. image 44/36 DFTA Enhance NORC programs and health services Seniors Request the Funding of Social Service Programs. Our seniors, during our public hearing, were very concerned over their quality of life, their limited income and essential services that they require. Therefore, they recommend the funding of social service programs, which would address their needs, to be sponsored at NYCHA sites. Also, seniors recommended sponsoring of more 2O2 Senior Citizen Housing to be built within the border of community board District 9. image 46/36 EDC Other public housing maintenance, staffing and management requests Create a tenant protection unit image
Community District Needs Statement - FY21 - Bronx Community District 9 - Content