SCA is committed to designing and constructing safe, attractive, and
environmentally sound public schools for children throughout all of the City’s
communities. SCA has set its priorities, including reducing overcrowding,
upgrading schools, and improving access to technology to reflect this commitment.
The Fiscal 2020–2024 Capital Plan creates tens of thousands of new seats in
areas projected for enrollment growth, directly addressing overcrowding and
the goal of creating additional high-quality, full-day pre-kindergarten seats for
neighborhoods throughout the City. Furthermore, the Capital Plan calls for muchneeded improvements for aging infrastructure throughout the five boroughs.
SERVICE 1 Design and construct new schools, additions and capital
improvement projects authorized by the Department of
Education’s Five-Year Capital Plan.
Goal 1a Produce the number of new school seats authorized by the
Department of Education’s Five-Year Capital Plan.
Goal 1b Achieve cost efficiencies in construction.
Goal 1c Increase the number of capital improvement projects completed on
schedule and within budget.
Goal 1d Ensure project safety and quality.
SERVICE 1 Design and construct new schools, additions and capital improvement projects authorized
by the Department of Education’s Five-Year Capital Plan.
Goal 1a Produce the number of new school seats authorized by the Department of Education’s Five-Year
Capital Plan.
SCA completed construction of more seats in Fiscal 2020 compared to Fiscal 2019.The number of new seats fell slightly
below the 2020 target. This is attributable to the reforecast completion dates of several 3-K projects due to the SCA Pause
caused by COVID-19. The number of schools constructed and seats created varies year-to-year based on the capital plan.
Performance Indicators
Actual Target Trend
FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY20 FY21 5-Year
Total new seats created 6,241 8,676 5,032 4,045 6,956 7,061 * Down *
« New schools and additions constructed 29 25 15 18 21 22 * Down *
« Critical Indicator “NA” Not Available ñò Directional Target * None
Goal 1b Achieve cost efficiencies in construction.
Construction costs increased by 3.2 percent between Fiscal 2019 and Fiscal 2020. To manage costs, the SCA continuously
reviews and revises the construction building standards to ensure cost effectiveness, durability and ease of maintenance.
Performance Indicators
Actual Target Trend
FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY20 FY21 5-Year
« Construction bid price for school capacity projects per square